CAUSE: Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary

CAUSE: Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary

Did you know that New Zealand has one of the fastest declining rates of native animals in the World? We're one of the newest countries, yet we struggle to keep our unique endemic birdlife from becoming endangered at worrying rates. We have 168 bird species in New Zealand. 93 of those species are found nowhere else on Earth. It's up to every one of us to help stop the decline. How can we help? What can we do? There are many amazing conservation groups within New Zealand and you can support one close to home.

For us, the closest wildlife sanctuary to us here in Picton is Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary - an obvious choice for our Cause range. A project for the community, by the community, we have paired the sanctuary with our 'Tuiana' design in order to raise money and awareness for their good work. This in-house artwork, by our co-founder, Indigo Greenlaw, has been a board art favourite since it's creation in 2015. Now, every t-shirt and wine-barrel board purchased with this artwork will donate partial profits to towards these local conservation efforts. Want to help? Browse our Tuiana artworks here, or donate directly to Kaipupu Point Wildlife Reserve.

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ethical, organic, fair trade, tui, t-shirt, white, bird, Maori, girl, orchard, social enterprise, The Paper Rain Project

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ethical, organic, fair trade, tui, t-shirt, white, bird, Maori, girl, orchard, social enterprise, The Paper Rain Projectethical, organic, fair trade, interior design, wood, The Block, art, social enterprise, The Paper Rain Projectorganic, fair trade, ethical, art, The Paper Rain Project, social enterprise, good, clothingrecycled wine barrel, art, The Paper Rain Project, social enterprise, good